Our definition of resiliency is being able to adapt at a moment’s notice in order to maintain growth and development. Just because times are hard right now does not mean the growth stops! Join us weekly for masterclasses on marketing your business during challenging times, meditation during social distancing, accounting, web development, and so much more. As local and small business owners, we want to do everything we can to keep #renoresilient. Sign up for our free masterclasses each week. All donations will support Feed Our Heroes, which provides food to all of our healthcare workers during this time.
Through Education + Connection
Reno was built from the courage of the pioneers from our past. It’s a city constantly on the edge of reinvention. The recent COVID-19 crisis has taken a lot from small business, our service industry and each other BUT we are resilient, we are tough, we got grit! We hope we can create a platform for a community to share their creativity, and skill set to help rebuild this city through collaboration, inspiration and hope.
Educate Our Community
Skilled Leaders
Give Back
Our culture is diverse, inclusive, and committed to personal and professional development. We’re not afraid to take on a new challenge, and we love taking courses!
We built Reno Resilient as a way to support local businesses and individuals effected by the COVID-19 Crisis. The mission is to collaborate, connect and create a more vibrant community.

Explore learning tips, career advice. Unlock new opportunities with unlimited access.